Baroness Giulietta da Venezia

Inducted into the Fleur for: Field, Court and Tournament heraldry; Researching and Teaching about heralds in period; Research and Study of 16th c. Venice; Vocal Music; Dance; Needlework; Knitting; Costuming

Other Areas of Interest: Calligraphy and Illumination, Machine Embroidery, Quilting, Candlemaking


  • The Herald in Period (taught in persona or not, as may be wanted)
  • The Herald as Diplomat: Working with Royalty
  • Vocal Projection for Heralds, Bards, Dancemasters and Anybody Else Who Needs to be Loud
  • Approaches to Name Pronunciation: Some Basic Ideas to Overcome Fear of the Funny-Looking (and the Downright Scary)
  • Italian Pronunciation
  • German Pronunciation

Current Group: Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands

**E-mail: slavicdiva AT ???

Web Page: None Listed

**To use email address above, please replace 'space AT space' with @ after copying address above (spam prevention measure).

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Copyright © 2007-2020 Principle of the Order of the Fleur d'Ęthelmearc, Kingdom of Ęthelmearc. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.
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This page last updated 4 January 2020 by Madoc Arundel