Mistress Elisabeth Johanna von der Flossenburg

Inducted into the Fleur for: Late Period German Garb

Other Areas of Interest: Garb in general, anything textile, i.e. embroidery, knitting, weaving, cooking, research, guild system in period, etc.


  • Garb
  • Embroidery
  • Knitting

Elisabeth has an extensive library on many period subjects and is willing to share. Anyone looking for specific books, or for books on specific subjects can contact her. Her newest additions to her library are:

  • Schaedelsche Weltchronik (Nuernberg Chronicle) Facsimile reproduction of a book from 1493
  • A facsimile of a period Wrestling Book, all the rules of period wrestling in line drawings and text (all the wrestlers are dressed in Landsknecht costumes. The drawings show seam placement!!!!!!)
  • Several yearly reports from the Germanische Nationalmuseum in Nuernberg with absolutely fantastic articles on various subjects
  • King Rene's Book of Love (Great Illuminations)
  • The Bayeaux Tapestry Embroiderer's Story (Brand new edition showing stitch diagrams etc.)
  • Ancient Danish Textiles from Bogs and Burials
  • The 4 reprints of the Museum of London series
  • The Marie Schuette Embroidery Book (also referred to as the Embroiderer's Bible. Extremely rare out of print, most comprehensive study of period embroidery available)

Current Group: Barony of the Rhydderich Hael

**E-mail: bostonhahn AT ???

Web Page: None Listed

**To use email address above, please replace 'space AT space' with @ after copying address above (spam prevention measure).

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This page last updated 4 January 2020 by Madoc Arundel