THL Aerin Teine
Inducted into the Fleur for: Illumination: specializing in creating authentic museum-quality illuminations from scratch, i.e. manufacturing period pigment, making vellum, gilding, painting as they did in period. Weaving: Viking era textiles, cardwovena nd floor loom (I love broken twills), some handspinning, natural dying, fingerbraiding and loom building. Embroidery: esp. Bayeaux Tapestry laid and couched work and Mary Queen of Scots cross stitch Other Areas of Interest: Woodcarving, Calligraphy, Panel and Potrait Painting, Costuming (including knitting and lacemaking), Fencing, and other projects yet to be revealed Teaching:
I can teach just about anything having to do with the scribal or textile arts. If you were dropped back in time 500 years, handed a goat, rocks, natural dyestuffs, and some basic chemicals, could you still produce an illuminated page? If faced with a sheep and a warp weighted loom, could you produce a garment? In scribing, I teach authentic methods. Even beginners start with the correct materials in their first class. It's easy to do it right the first time! I teach "mundanes" as well as SCAdians, usually one-on-one or in small groups at my house or theirs, depending on how much of my equipment I have to move (the floor loom isn't going anywhere!!!). I frequently teach spontaneous classes at events when someone asks "how did you do that?". Current Group: Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands **E-mail: cerise AT ??? Web Page: None Available |
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This page last updated 4 January 2020 by Madoc Arundel